Knock Airport
Yeats County Inn Hotel is only 8km from Ireland’s West Airport, Knock, located on the N17 between Charlestown & Tubbercurry.
The perfect base for your holiday or an overnight stay after you land or depart. Ireland’s West Airport Knock is Ireland’s fourth international airport and is the main international air access gateway for the West, North West and Midland regions of Ireland.
Taxi can be arranged on request.
If staying at the hotel a shuttle service to and from Knock Airport can be arranged subject to availability.
Distances to Major Cities and Airports in Ireland:
- Distance to Galway City= 80km
- Sligo City = 50km
- Charlestown, Co.Mayo = 4 km
- Claremorris, Co.Mayo = 40km
- Ballina Co. Mayo = 30 km
- Dublin Airport = 216 km
- Shannon Airport = 200 km
- Sligo Airport = 55 km
Distances to Tourist Attractions:
- Foxford Wollen Mills = 25 km
Yeats County Inn Hotel
Co. Sligo